The Immigrant Youth Socialization and Identity Project


The Immigrant Youth Socialization and Identity Project investigates the role of parents and schools in informing immigrant-origin youths’ ethnic-racial identity and the ways youth think about and respond to systems of oppression. The project consists of one-time online surveys and phone interviews with immigrant-origin youth from across the United States. The mixed methods approach aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how racial socialization experiences from two critical contexts inform the ethnic-racial identities and sociopolitical development of immigrant-origin youth of color in the U.S. 


Developing a healthy ethnic-racial identity and having a critical analysis of systems of oppression have been found to be protective against experiences of discrimination in the lives of youth experiencing marginalization. Findings of the present study may inform interventions around the types of racial socialization messages that promote positive identity development and those which empower immigrant youth to think critically about and take action against systems of oppression.

For more information about the project, contact us via email or by phone (860) 685-2718